Editors Guild likes it! - Polaris ) 3Q:1 For haw long has LSD existed on the Amiga, how did you start with it and what groups where you in before LSD? 2A:1 LSD is over 5 years old, and will be here for many more years, because of the dedication by myself, Shagratt, Maximan, Mub and many other members. I joined LSD about 2.5 years ago, 2Interview with PAZZA of LSD1 and eventually became manager. My BY J/\Y of ECLIPSE first and only other group was 2on 17\7\921 Sprint, all members of it joined (typed by PAZZA) LSD, including Shagratt. As you all know 3PAZZA1 ( or will know 3Q:1 How many guys are in LSD at the now ) is a man of few words when moment? mailtrading, but he sure does like to type. 2A:1 A diskmag recently said there was 53, in reality there is less; ( Every self respecting member in the UK:23, 2USA: 5,1 3Q:1What is your function LSD? 2NORWAY:10,1 2AUSTRALIA:10.1 2A:1 I feed the pantomime horse, beat the women off Watchman with a 3Q:1 If you weren't in LSD which group stick, and I am Bernard Sumners would you be in? Career adviser! 2A:1 I can't see myself ever out of 3Q:1 What's your real name, your age, LSD, I would probably be sex. independant, although I do like Alliance! 2A:1 My real name, a LAME question I think. Age 28, sex? How many 3Q:1 What where LSD`s last productions, women are there on the scene?, yes and what will come next? I'm male! 2A:1 Already out: Grapevine 10, on 3 3Q:1 What do you think of modems, blue- disks and Techno Warrior, a dance boxing and mailboxes? mix. Coming soon: Total Kaos, a rave mix 2A:1 Their pink, fluffy and smell of on 2 disks, Grapevine 11 on 2 disks, lemon! a BIG demo from Maximan and Orcrist called DEVIOUS, and a lot of other 3Q:1 How many boards does LSD have now? projects are in the pipeline. 2A:1 2, it is our current policy to keep only a small amount of bbs' 2A:1 Videos, dope, phone conferances, ODYSSEY (WHQ) +1 314 644 0403. painting fantasy minatures. Sysop: Nightwind MILLENIA (UK DISTRIBUTION SITE) 3Q:1 How long do you spend on your +44 (0)91 284 3142. Sysop: Kitaro Amiga per day? 2A:1 25 hours at least! 3Q:1 Would you buy a modem? 3Q:1 What's your opinions of the 2A:1 What would I want 2 for? I already friendship movement? own one! 2A:1 Most 'Friendship' guys are fakes. 3Q:1 Did you quit mailtrading to pay A true friendship group would let the phonebill? anyone join, because of friend- ship, and they don't. 2A:1 Not really, but I mailtraded less I hate recieving long letters, and often.Currently FAST have my modem I NEVER write them, if I wanted a `pen-friend' I would get one! 3Q:1 Is a hardrive a necessity or a Telephones rule! luxury?? 3Q:1 What hardware do you have? 2A:1 NECESSITY! 2A:1 2meg ECS Amiga, hard disk, HST 3Q:1 What are your hobbies besides your modem (FAST have it!) monitor, Amiga? amplifier and speakers, external drives, printer and the usual guys go also! shit. 3Q:1 Will LSD ever have a party? 3Q:1 Would you change for a PC? 2A:1 No real plans yet! 2A:1 NO!!! but I may get one as well as my Amiga! 3Q:1 List your favorite things below; 3Q:1 Do you think KS2 is worth buying. 2A:1 GAME: Games suck, although I LOVE Dr. Mario, but thats it, and 2A:1 Get extra memory and softload it! Twintris of course! A lot cheeper and you still have a DEMO: SOS - Melon Design 1.3 to run demo`s on! A KS 1.3/2.0 UTILITY: Directory Works (why do switch on a 2.0 machine only people vote for X-Copy??? I HATE allows about 15% more software to using it!) work! GROUP: Alliance MUSIC: So many good musicians! 3Q:1 Are there any chances to meet you MOVIE: Waynes World at parties? SPORTSHOES: Sportshoes!!! Bloody sportshoes!!I'm 28 not 12!! I have 2A:1 I may be at the Quartz party, I always disliked trendies,I suppose usually go to 1 day parties and to the next question is shellsuits? the UK shows run by Future Nothing personal but strewth!!! Publishing, because other scene FOOD: Pizza DRINK: Mild, Lilt, Tango Orange. has some good articles,Deadlock is SPORTS: Sports!!! I am the worlds getting there, most of the rest laziest person, I hate walking, blur into a `I read it in 5 never mind actually doing some- minutes' category, some of them thing athletic! are OK though, read my diskmag CAR: To me if it has at least 4 reviews in Grapevine for more wheels and goes, it'll do! info! (I couldn't find it,cool idea though, 3Q:1 Tell us the worst demos and lamest I'll be watching out for it! - PLRS) guys. 3Q:1 Which paper magazines do you read? 2A:1 What a question, let's bring the scene even lower shall we by 2A:1 White Dwarf, and most of the Amiga slagging off someone!!! How would and Film mags thanks to Spirit and you feel if I said Jay and AMB! Eclipse???? (WHA!? - Polaris) I thought you were a friendship guy? 3Q:1 Do you want to study computer I REFUSE to answer such a science or something similar? question! 2A:1 I would like to do an A level 3Q:1 Apart from Grapevine which disk- course in some computer-related mags do you rate? subject, but the DSS are unfair when it comes to this. 2A:1 RAW is very highly edited, Mcdisk 3Q:1 Please list current LSD members TORCH - GRAPEVINE EDITOR/SWAPPER and their functions. WATCHMAN - GRAPHICS 2A:1 2-COOL - CODER D-=UNITED STATES OF AMERICA=-N BERNARD SUMNER - MUSICIAN CHIME - TRAINER CAT-MAN - MODEM TRADER DELBERT - SWAPPER DESTINY - MODEM TRADER D-MAN - MODEM TRADER DIZZY - MODEM TRADER DATA - TRAINER NIGHTWIND - SYSOP DREADNOUGHT - TRAINER ECHO - MUSICIAN D-=AUSTRALIA=-N FISH - GRAPHICS FLEX - DOCS SOL - MANAGER/SWAPPER FORD - GRAPHICS SPECTRAL - CODER MATRIX - CODER MAXIMAN - CODER D-=NORWAY=-N MUB - MUSICIAN/SWAPPER HARLEQUIN - TRAINER ALIEN - CODER ORCRIST - CODER ARAGON - MAILTRADER PAW - MODEM TRADER/SWAPPER ARCHIE - CODER PAZZA - GRAPEVINE EDITOR/SWAPPER BOMBJACK - GRAPHICIAN SHAGRATT - CODER HOWARD - MUSIC/CODER/MAILTRADER SPIRIT - MUSICIAN LABAN - MAILTRADER LORD ZERO - MANAGER/MAILTRADER 3Q:1 Have you written articles for any NASH - MUSICIAN other mags besides Grapevine? UNIT 4 - GRAPHICS TURRICAN - GRAPHICS 2A:1 Some a couple of years ago for VIKING - MAILTRADER "Coders Scene Magazine", which was a very good mag, and many 3Q:1 Rumours are that some crackers interviews for other diskmags! recieve money for doing bad cracks, what do you think? 3Q:1 Have you an update on your FAST bust? 2A:1 All good crackers have pride in their work, bad cracks are not 2A:1 Sorry, that's a Grapevine companies paying off crackers, but exclusive, read the next issue out inexperienced or poor crackers or on the 8th of August 1992 at the extra protection checks (most Quartz party! Psygnosis stuff needs more work to make the end sequence work). 3Q:1 Who do you think are the best Don't believe these rumours, how- group on the scene at the moment? ever I could believe crackers being paid to NOT crack individual 2A:1 A hard one to answer, there are games but that would be a waste as many good groups and many lame other crackers would still crack ones, and lameness has many forms, it! some so-called `elite' guys I con- sider lame because of their crap behaviour towards others. Lancs DN21 1UQ. England. 3Q:1 What do you do when not computing Telephone: 0427 677463 (ie work, school) Sorry, UK residents only! 2A:1 I am unemployed, I was classed as end. unemployable by the DSS about 18 months ago! I think that about covers everything thank you for the interview PAZZA. 3Q:1 What transport do you have? J/\Y / ECLIPSE 2A:1 Legs! Well thats a gr8 exclusive interview with the cool editor of Grapevine, 3Q:1 How do people contact you? Pazza of LSD.Thanks Pazza,glad to see that you read White Dwarf and enjoy 2A:1 __ ________ ________ to paint the odd minature here and / \ / \/ \ there! - Undead Rulez!A big thank you / /___ _\__ \____/\____/ / to JAY for that interview,as promised / \ \/ \ \/ \/ / Jay,I haven't edited a single word... \________/\________/\_____mUb/ honest! - PoLaRiS / ECLiPSE PAZZA, 2 South Parade, Gainsborough,